Archive for March 2nd, 2013

March 2, 2013


by Bagong Aurora Website ng Bayan

Gerry and arthurIn life, there is what we always call predestination. You end up what you are because as fate would have it, that’s your destiny. You end up getting married to someone because you are meant for each other. Or you may end up single-blessed – like I am – because you chose to be one and … because it’s your destiny. It’s all written in the stars and this is meant to be.

          Some may argue that we are the captains of our own ship and we chart our own destiny. But whether we end up losers or winners in this game called life, destiny is the one that led us to it, without any ifs or buts. Otherwise, the opposite would have happened.

arthur and GerryManny Pacquiao’s indiscretions when he lunged at Juan Manuel Marquez in the dying seconds of the 6th round where he ran smack into a ramrod right from his Mexican rival may be a case of mea culpa but it was a disaster waiting to happen. Remember that Pacquiao is a bell-to-bell slugger who never lets up even if he is way ahead on points. That has what made him one of the most exciting fighters of his generation. To say he made a mistake in going after Marquez in that round was wrong because he always throws caution to the wind. That’s typical of the Pac Man who is a certified crowd-pleaser and with whom there is no dull moment. And that’s his destiny, even his having won a record-setting eight world titles in as many divisions.

          That’s why people of all ages should accept everything that happens as part of their destiny. My mother died last June 29 at the age of 70 because destiny played a part in it. When she died after a prolonged bout with her illness, I comforted my younger sis to accept it, telling her what would she prefer, seeing our Nanay still alive yet suffering in her death bed or gone already but living eternally in peace? It did not take long for her to calm down and accept reality.

          Destiny plays a part in our daily lives, be it in our jobs, in our homes, in our desire to move on and move forward and in electing our leaders. Destiny was what thrust P-Noy to the lofty perch he is in now, thanks largely to the death of his mother, a democracy icon, although we don’t exactly gloat at her passing. What I am saying is that, if not for a confluence of events – which are part of destiny – P-Noy would not have become president and Erap and Marcos would not have been swept from power by popular revolts which are now part of history.

arthur -gerry stolen shotHere in Aurora, destiny has a part in its shaping as a province. The person after whom it was named happens to be a former First Lady and the wife of an illustrious son of Baler. Everything that has evolved and come to pass in this province is part of history, thanks to destiny.

          It is safe to say that the political leaders we have in our midst – past or present – have been there because of destiny. Eddie Ong became governor when Eunice Cucueco died in a chopper crash. Without that ill-fated accident, no one knows what’s in store for the province. If she were still alive, do we see a clash between two women for the Capitol, meaning Gov Bella and Gov Eunice? Isn’t it exciting : two seasoned politicians, each with solid academic background trading verbal jabs in the hustings?

          Gerry Noveras became vice gov in 2007 because of destiny. Who would have ever imagined that the lanky lawyer from Ma. Aurora who lost as a candidate for councilor in his own hometown in the 90s would blast to smithereens a potential Angara-Angara tandem in 2007 with his victory? If it’s not destiny, he would have lost again and the Angaras would not have such a serious challenge to its hold of the Capitol from then on.

          Fast forward to 2013, Noveras is in a unique position to pull off a feat no one other than the Angaras have latched on to for almost a decade. He is eyeing the governorship on May 13 against Mayor Arthur Angara, a late substitute for Senator Edong Angara who decided to give up his Capitol bid presumably to ensure the victory of his son, Congressman Sonny in the highly competitive Senate race.

           This is something the Noveras camp is practically salivating at although they may not admit it. As you can see, the Noverases are on record as the only father and sons to have won the vice governorship one at a time. The patriarch Isias Sr. became vice governor then lieutenant governor when Aurora was still a sub-province. Isaias Jr., more popularly known as Totoy, became vice governor then challenged Eddie Ong’s wife Chit in 2001 but lost.         

Vice Gov Gerry is a breath closer away from the governorship, two months removed from making history. Standing in the way is Mayor Arthur who has made an indelible mark as a six-time mayor of the capital town where he continues to mystify people on why he kept on winning although he is as stony silent as the deep-blue waters of the Pacific Ocean.

          Remember that the mayor was originally floated as the bet of the Angaras until the senator came along. Then he was again back in harness as the official bet. Is this because he has a rendezvous – or shall we say – an appointment with destiny? 

edong and arthurWhen the senator and Noveras filed their respective COCs, Aurorans said it was a fight between the biblical David and Goliath. David was Noveras who was known for his giant-killing binge. Goliath was of course Senator Angara who is not only known and respected nationally but also internationally such that Aurora is such a small speck of land to cast his lot with politically.

          Now, it’s still David vs Goliath all over again, this time involving Noveras and Mayor Arthur. Only, it is physically in the true sense of the word. The vice governor towers over his vertically challenged rival and whether he can translate his height advantage into votes and electoral victory is something many look forward to this May. They say height is might. “Iba na (raw) ang matangkad.” This is particularly true in basketball. But not necessarily in politics. “Wala naman (daw) malaki na nakakapuwing.”   

          One thing is for sure : Aurora will have a new governor come May 13 unless by some miracle of sorts – or as destiny would have it – the two protagonists end up with the same number of votes which is highly unlikely. When that happens, will we see a situation in barangay elections wherein bets for barangay chairmen break a tie through a toss coin?

          Not by a long shot I think. There is so much at stake for the governorship to be decided by the flip of the coin.

          Who then between Vice Gov Gerry and Mayor Arthur is destiny’s child?

          Your guess is as good as mine. (Manny Galvez)

March 2, 2013


by Bagong Aurora Website ng Bayan

There is something common in Secretaries Ramon Paje of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and Ramon Jimenez Jr. of the Department of Tourism. Aside from their given names, they have governance initiatives that make them vital cogs in tourism development and environmental preservation and protection in the country. 

          We are referring to a recent memorandum of agreement signed between the two secretaries wherein they will work together in developing and implementing biodiversity-friendly ecotourism activities in eight project sites in the country.

          As we all know, ecology and tourism go hand-in-hand, particularly in areas with substantial biodiversity. It goes without saying that such initiatives or partnerships are laudable and most welcome, particularly since tourism is one of the country’s premier growth indicators.

          Since 1991, the World Tourism Organization and the United Nations Development Programme have coordinated with government agencies and private organizations in the country to make it a showcase  of ecotourism.

          This is in consonance with Executive Order 111 issued in 1999 which provides that “the State shall develop and promote sustainable tourism, and ensure sustainable use, development, management, protection and conservation of the country’s environment and natural resources and cultural heritage for the enjoyment of the present and future generations.”

          Targeted for development are Magapit-Northeast Cagayan, Quirino Protected Landscapes in Quirino and Cagayan provinces in Region 2, Malalmpaya Sound in Palawan, Mt. Siburan in Mindoro Occidental in Region 4B, Central Panay Mountains in the provinces of Aklan, Antique, Capiz, and Iloilo in Panay Island, Northern Negros Natural Park in Negros Occidental in Region 6, Mt. Hamiguitan National Heritage Park in Davao Oriental in Region 11 and Lake Mainit between Agusan Norte and Surigao Norte in Region 13.

          As we have mentioned, this is a laudable project as it gives premium to a double-barreled treat : tourism and environment. It hits two birds with one stone and it’s a win-win solution for the country and the economy.

          However, we honestly feel something must be wrong somewhere in this initiative. You guess it right, folks, there is no Aurora on that list in spite of its promise as a prospective tourism mecca for future generations. With its beautiful beaches, waterfalls, long coastlines lying along the Pacific Ocean and thick canopied virgin forests accentuating the splendor that is Sierra Madre, it is a pity if not downright frustrating that this province has been left out in that list for reasons only Messrs. Paje and Jimenez – with all due respect to them – know.

          Aurora boasts of the Casiguran Sound where biodiversity-friendly ecotourism activities fit the DENR-DOT program to a t, like a glove in hand.

          By bypassing Aurora, it is our feeling that Secretaries Paje and Jimenez may have made a sin of omission although we are not saying it is deliberate. If it is, then why?    

          And to think that this province was one of the areas affected by EO 23 which imposed a moratorium on cutting of trees in natural and residual forests which displaced hundreds of people in the countryside.

          With regards to tourism, it is safe to argue that most of the tourism successes Aurora is enjoying right now are LGU-initiated. It’s about time the national government makes the necessary push now that the province has arrived as a premier tourist destination.

          Given such kind of a snub, it is no wonder that Gov. Bellaflor Angara-Castillo, during a RDC meeting she hosted last year, quizzed regional officials of the DPWH and the DA for giving priority to heavyweight provinces such as Bulacan and Pampanga and leaving Aurora out in the cold when it comes to infusion of projects.

          To Secretaries Paje and Jimenez, pansinin nyo naman po ang Aurora at isama sa agreement na pinirmahan nyo. Me k naman po ang probinsiyang ito so give it some measure of attention.

          Kahit konting pagtingin lang po kung pupuwede. (Manny Galvez)      

March 2, 2013


by Bagong Aurora Website ng Bayan

Davao City – Team Pnoy senatorial candidate Edgardo “Sonny” Angara today urged the government to build schools that can withstand natural catastrophes and raise youngsters’ awareness of the risks and how to react to these in times of disasters.

  “We have already been recognized as the one of the world’s most disaster-prone countries,” Angara said. “Clearly, we will need to ramp up our capacities and capabilities in disaster mitigation and risk reduction.”
  Angara will make the same call in tomorrow’s Run to Rebuild Compostela Valley event in Nabunturan, Compostela Valley.
  Angara is the author of House Bill 460 which seeks to make the teaching of disaster awareness and disaster mitigation part of the curriculum of elementary and secondary schools.
  He said there should be special focus on assuring not just the sturdiness of school buildings and classrooms, but also the resilience of the educational system itself.
  “Our post-disaster efforts should always include making sure that even in evacuation centers, our children still get the quality education they deserve,” he stressed.
  The Harvard-trained lawmaker explained that teachers should be made to undergo special training on educating students in times of crisis,  as well as in post-disaster situations.
  In February 2006, a massive mudslide in Leyte buried more than a thousand people, including more than 200 children in a school.
  More recently, homes and many school-buildings were devastated in Compostela Valley and Davao Del Norte during the onslaught of Typhoon “Pablo “last year.  He also recalled reports of teachers wading through the mud just to save students’ records and grading sheets.
  “The actions of those teachers are truly laudable. They see the urgency of ‘disaster-proofing’ our schools because for many children in far-flung provinces, their schooling is the only ticket they get to a good job and in turn, a better life,” said Angara,  chair of the House of Representatives’ Committee on Higher and Technical Education.
  “If their entire education can be easily swept away by a strong typhoon or earthquake, then their chances at succeeding are easily swept away as well,” he added.
  To prevent a repeat of these tragic incidents,  Angara recommended that larger portions of the country’s calamity fund should  be devoted and readily disbursed towards the immediate repair and rehabilitation of damaged classrooms and other school infrastructure.
  He said :  “After disasters, it is important that schools are able to return to normal operations in the quickest way possible. There should be guidelines and protocols regarding this.”
  Angara is the principal author  of several laws aimed at raising the quality of education in the country. These include the recently enacted Universal Kindergarten Education Act (RA 10157) and Joint Resolution 4 calling for the implementation of the Salary Standardization Law III, which raised the basic salaries of state workers, including teachers.