Man found dead inside his house

by Bagong Aurora Website ng Bayan

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADIPACULAO, Aurora — A man was found dead inside his house at Purok 4, Barangay Ditale in this town Monday evening. Police say the man died as a result of cardiac respiratory arrest.

Police Inspector Myra C. Novilla, OIC Chief of Police of Dipaculao Police Station (DPS) said that the man found dead was Marcelino Ilacad Y’ Lara, 71, and was found dead lying in his bed.

An initial examination from Aurora Provincial Crime Laboratory Office for the processing of the scene and afterwards a post mortem examination was conducted by Dr. Arturo A Parilla, Municipal Health Officer and revealed that Marcelino’s death was no signed of foul play.

Prior to the incident, Novilla said that the DPS personnel received a radio call, Monday at about 5:15 in the evening from Bong Molina, town’s Municipal disaster risk reduction and management office chief and a resident of Barangay Buenavista.

The DPS personnel proceeded at Barangay Ditale to verify the veracity of the report and conducted investigation.

Police interviewed Docil Ogian y Ebiong, 64 years old and resident of same place explaining that he went at the house of the victim at about 5:00 o’clock in the afternoon as requested by Rhodalyn Ancheta, whom curious the unusual situation that her neighbor didn’t come-out his house and together upon entering said house saw the lifeless body lying in his bed and inform concern authorities.

Neighborhood on the said place revealed that the victim was a habitual drinker and living alone inside his house. (Bagong Aurora Website ng Bayan News Team)

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